Tuesday, October 12

say NO to PLASTICs!

The component of plastic is a long chain of polymer which is non-biodegradable or hard to get rid of.

At first, it will be so nice to have this plastic, which is when u go to shopping so it easy to keep ur stuff in it.
But after a while, u keep it and later use it again. thats is reuse.
But then again, having a plastic is quiet a hazard, because u cant get rid of it.
Later u throw it in the trash, it will end up on the landfill or even flew away and give a hazardous effects to other people.
It will give a bad bad issue on the environment. the ecosystem of the world.
PHEW, dont want that to happen.

So, bring ur own bags whenever u go shopping and it easier if u keep it in ur car/bags.

Save the environment, save life :)

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