Friday, July 30


Dear friend,

How are u? It been a long time since we met. thank god there is FB, so i can keep my self updated with ur life. I can't believe u have a son. OMG! he is so cute. I want to know everything, but it seems that we far apart. We don't have the same chemistry like we had. I ask u once, but it seems that isn't important to you.
What ever happens, i wish u all the best. May u n ur son have all the happiness in life and may Allah bless u.

Your friend,

We think, talk, walk and everything is different. It all changes with every experience that we had and let it be the memories in our mind so we can be better. ^^

Tuesday, July 27

Wrapped it all up!

What did you do with your garbage? Did you separate it according to recyclable and un-recyclable items? Well, its time too change your life! Usually we send the materials to the recycle centres, but for now you dont have to. ;)

Recycle and rewards is the first company that take your recyclable and change it with a new item! It is so simple, you need to register your-self at and gather all your items, call the recycle and rewards office and they will come and pick up the items. At the end of the day, you can claim your rewards!

I know about this remarkable company when i become a green agent for UKM. Green agent is a volunteer that works with the lecturers to make a sustainable university. I know Bernard from my chemistry’s lecturer, she told the class to join him in his quest to save the world. Hey, wanna change the world? It never to late to start now. Maybe you not a superman or the president, but anyone can change the world. So, the journey begin, for more information add us at or and on twitter, .

The Green Agent. Ciqa, Lala, Hwei Huih, Bernard, Danial and Salem

The green agent and Recycle&Rewards team :)

Aha, after i become the green agent i felt that i can do anything. Because i conquered my fear towards public speaking. I never knew that i can be an emcee. Phew, nervous like hell but at the end it a increadible experience.

Owh, i did some business of my own, selling raya’s cookies. It is my first time become a “businesswomen” :P So, come one come all buy the raya’s cookies!!!!!

Want to make an order? just leave your comment ya :)

Sunday, July 25

Saturday, July 24

life must go on #1

ooooooo....tarzan lah..hahaha...hari ni aku nk start satu slot baru...slot ini diberi name..slot akasia di lagi..slot meluahkn perasaan yg diberi name..slot life must go on..yang akan diterbitkn dlm bentuk siri setiap kali bulan mengambang..

Sooo..kita start dgn yg pertama...tegtengteng...

Org suka duit kan?jgn tipu especially ko yg sdg membaca post ini suka akn duit...(xbaik tipu...berdosa...tipu sunat xpe..haha) tp bile korang keje,spt gaji ciput,ko akn rase ape?dh la ciput, dpt pulak lambat...eeee...rase nk tngn2 je bos tu kan..hahaha..(jgn..xpasal2 ko kne fire!) aku cmtu la tiap2 bulan..keje..dpt gaji ciput..dpt pulak je international x profesional lngsung!..bab potong gaji mmg cpt..nk naikkan gaji,lambat!hampeh! Kesian kat "mata air" aku..xmerasa la aku nk blanje die gune gaji aku..haha

Tapi la kan..orang ckap..(bukan aku yg cakap) mase kite muda ni lah mase kite nk cari pengalaman..mase kite nk lengkapkn diri kite dgn bermacam ilmu..btol jugak kan..nnti dh tua bangka,duk goyang kaki je dgn "mata air" aku..hihi...tgk anak2 berlari riang...(hoh..lari topik pulak)

Keje mmg jike niat kite btol..nk cari rezki halal..xde masalah pnye..tuhan akn tlg kite walaupn keje kite yg tukng tggu toilet skali pn..kdg2 aku tgk tukang angkut sampah tu hidup die lg tenang..lagi xde masalah kalo nk banding dgn certain businessman yg lgsung xaman hidup die...kan?kan? Tambah2 lg skrg ni hidup smua nk pakai duit..nk mkn of course kne duit..nk berak pn kne byr! Nk kawen xyah cakap la...hehe (sbb rmai "gatal" nk kawen skg ni..)hehe..jgn mare ye...abg syg syg la..hahahaha..ambik ko..ber "syg" ber "abg" dpn2 org..haha..xde ke"malu"an sgguh..(padahal aku pnh gak xde la nk dpn public)hahahaha..pengalaman tu beb! Sbb manusia akn matang dgn pengalaman..time kasih la pada sape2 yg bg aku pengalaman..tengkiu..arigato!

OYD (oleh yg demikian...) betulkan niat kite,.kerja biar ikhlas..keje biar bersungguh..keje dgn sabar..nnti tuhan akan tlg kite..aku xpernah persoalkn bab ni..sbb tu aku jarang ad masalah..stiap penyakit,ad penawarnya..kcuali mati..pnawar utk gatal adalah kawen..hahaha (mata airku..jom kawen! Hehe)

P/S: live green! Mata airku..jgn lupe jubah konvo saye ye..hikhik..

Saturday, July 17

lebih baik bersama

**lala, kecik, emie**

Atas, bawah dan ke atas lagi. Mana aku park kete tadi? Lepas habis wayang, bayar parking tiket. Dah lupe park kt ne. Ah, sudah! Kete kene rompak k? Tengok pada aras yang sama tiket di bayar. Ahhhh!!!! Same floor dengan tempat bayar tiket. Tak perlu naik escalator. Owh, apehal aku lupe aku park mane????

Kenape kecik bawak fail die naik atas? Tak perlu kot. Because that the weirdest and the funniest part. Fail itu diperlukan mase buat laporan kt balai polis j.

"eh, mane fail kau kecik?"

LOL, tinggal kat umah emie! ape kes? Patah balik ke Putrajaya(padahal da sampai UKM dah!), amek fail.
Weee...nk naek buaian! Dalam rintik2 hujan dan sepasang sahabat sedang berborak2, aku, kecik dan emie bermain2 di taman permainan. Bila hujan mula jatuh dengan banyaknya, mengundur diri dahulu dari kawasan tersebut.
Masukkan kunci k ignition, melambai2 k emie, pasang air-cond, radio berbunyi sebagai latar dan tiba2 injin kete termati dan aku berhenti. Pusingkn kunci, injin langsung mati. WTH?
Ringing. ring ring ring. Kawan emie telefon kawan berborak tadi. Minta bawakan minyak kete. Sebab mengagak injin mati kerana kehabisan petrol. OK, cube pusingkan kunci lagi. Voila! Hidup pon. Gegak gempita dengan gelak tawa 4 gadis didalam kete. malu, segan, kelakar kerana dah telefon kawan tadi. Tapi batalkan saja pembelian petrol, pergi saja ke kiosk petrol. Kemudian perjalanan bergerak dengan sempurna.

Moral of the story, jangan gelak sakan nanti ada j yang berlaku sebalik nye ;p
Ape2 pon mmg dah jodoh bertemu dengan emie beberaape kali. Sayang ah korang!


Tuesday, July 13

kuih!kuih!mari beli kuih!

RM 26 (50keping)

RM 18 (50 keping)

RM26 (50 keping)

RM26 (50 keping)

RM26 (50 keping)

*Penghantaran akan di buat oleh saya sendiri ke alamat yang telah di berikan. bayaran untuk penghantaran di antara RM2-RM4, tertakluk kepada jarak.
*Pembeli perlulah berada dikawasan Kuala Lumpur, Serdang, Kajang, Bangi dan Seremban.
*Tiada pembatalan selepas tempahan. Hanya pembeli yang serius sahaja.

Thursday, July 8

Perlukah satu dunia tahu?

aku ada satu soalan cepumas..lame dah aku pikir sorang2 pasal soalan ni..kalo ade sape2 yg nk komen..sile2..hehe..(nk pakai nick berani mati ke..anonymous ke..ape ke..xde hal punyee...)

soalannya berbunyi,....(teng teng tennnnggggg!!!)

Adakah satu dunia perlu tahu segala-galanya pasal 'perhubungan' kita dengan seseorang yang kononnya kita 'cintai'?

ape erti soalan itu ?its up to you to aku dh ckp...soalan cepumas..mmg mas pun..hahaha...

p/s: aku berckap berdasarkn pengalaman..bukan saje2...dan cik lala..sile jawap!hik2

i am done!

in my life..i hardly regret anything i did..but tonight,i didnt know what kind of feeling i had..someone who meant to me so much said something which ends evrything.. my intention was just to say something to help her feels better..but its the other way around that happened! I wont forget these words:

"kalo xtahu ape2 psl hubungan kiteorg,knape nk masuk cmpur?"

I am done with you..i know i was nothing for u..just a lovesick maniac without anything..although now you are engaged with someone else, im still concern bout u..i am a fool..absolute fool..a total idiot because i loved u so much!! But tonite..i am done! I am done! I am done! Get out of me!

P/s: dear miss sorry..really sorry..but frm this moment, there's only be one else..just you..and i promise to u..i'll never ever ever talk,mention or say anything about my past esp 'that girl'..even think about it..never!

Sunday, July 4


hohoho...lame dh diriku ini tidak mngepost sesuatu di dlm blog ini..busy bebenor la diri ini..kerije sokmo! Asik2 ade makcik duk potpet potpet kt sni..tah ape2 je makcik tu kan?pasal tapauware la..pasal heels la..tahpape je..haha..

Ok..nk ckp la ckp pasal makcik tu..haha..sejak due menjak ni la kan..bangun pagi mmg sng je..tak tau la knape..mgkn sbb aku slalu keje pagi la..jadual baru..kne ngaja belah pagi..hehe..bgus la tu..lps subuh mmg xtido..

Org ckp la kan...(bukan aku ckp..haha)..bile kite makin dewasa,kite jadi makin matang..tahu nk urus diri,tahu nk dahulukan yg mane lebih penting..tahu nk hargai ape yg spatutnya kite hargai..aku stuju dgn kate2 ini..hahaha..aku dh makin dewasa..umur pn dh 23..dh besar panjang dh pun..haha.makin mengerti ape itu kehidupan..(gitu lah gaya seorang indon berkate2..haha)..dn yg penting,leni aku duk di ad dgn aku..dlu die jage aku..skrg aku nk jage ma aku..hohoho..

Skg pn dh bulan tujuh..xlame lg dh nk konvo..hikhik..harap2 xde la masalah nnti..konvo ni kire panamat zaman bujang aku la..zaman belajar..skrg ni aku bkn lagi pelajar..aku adalah pengajar..hahahaha...(nk jugak word "ajar" tu..) harap2 dpt posting dkt2 ni je..xpn kat tganu..blh aku jage ma slalu..hehehe..

Hohoho..ape lg ye nk ckp..hmmmm...ku rindu kamu kawan2ku..hahahaha..sibuk keje ni..xade mase pn nk ajak kawan2 kluar mkn..minum2 ke..hehe..

Ok lah..sayonara!!!! See you next time!(kalo idup lagi la psni..hahaha)

Friday, July 2

killer heels

this is not 2inches. but im sucks with heels. pfft

The thing is when im wearing heels, i become not a confident women. i dont usually wear my heels, even thought i have a few pair in the shoe rack.

Why oh Why do i wear my heels (as picture above) today. Because i want to meet my long lost friend in Putrajaya. Such a long time i didnt met her, since darjah 5. OKay, cut the chase. First situation, ah...bloody hell. Why on earth did this guy took the same elevator with me??? Why?? Suddenly i become so freaking clumsy. Ting! the digital numeric sign shows level 1 but why did i want to go out suddenly???? There an uncle came in. Arrghh! G! OK, out out out u go. i was embarrassed by my own. ha?????what ever

The second situation, i nearly felt to the ground when holding my noodle soup and kicap cili. aish! and infront of me a pakcik saying, "WOW!" (shocking tone with a mimic). arrrghhh.....again!

I have to make myself confident and comfortable with those damn heels. :'|

Thursday, July 1

A madlady

I'm moody, so please behave.

What on earth signal light is invented for?? Why the hell people having driving classess when it is all an act. Hypocrite. People being adorable, cute, cuddly and what so ever nicest thing when they want something that is for their on good. Why can’t people just except rules are made to be followed! If people continuously can’t obey the rules, THEN BUILD YOUR OWN COUNTRY AND MAKE YOUR OWN BLOODY RULES!

Even when im in a good mood, im still angry with people behaviour on the road. Some people want to show how smart their are on the road but what they did is a shitty driving habits. Nuisance. Ignorance about others. Self-fish.

Thank you.

::flick your signal lite::